Monday, April 21, 2008

The Chakras

The most beautiful thing we can witness is the mysterious. He to whom this emotion is a stranger, who can no longer pause to wonder and stand rapt in awe, is as good as dead; his eyes are closed.
Albert Einstein (1879-1955)

Chakra is a Sanskrit word for rotating light, “to spin”. This term is used to refer to the centers that may pick up energy if the chakras are opened. The seven major chakras are located on the human skull and the posterior aspects of the spine. The chakras are energy centers. Each time that treatment is performed, UE stimulates the patient's chakra to spin faster and generate a stronger and higher frequency output, which in turn stimulates the nerve complexes, endocrine glands, and organs to normalize themselves.






On the top of the head

Regulates the entire nervous system, lymphatic system, metabolism system

Aches and pains, headaches arthritis, stress, insomnia, paralysis. All emergencies, i.e. fainting, hemorrhage. Other conditions not clearly associated with chakras 2, 3, 4, 5


On the middle of the forehead

The Sixth sense, or third eye. Regulates the psycho-neural system

Not used for therapy at level 1 and 2. Will be discussed at level 4 and above


On the spine, between the upper part of the shoulder blades

Regulates the respiratory system, the integumentary system and body membranes

Ear, nose, throat conditions: colds, flu, asthma, allergies. Skin problems. Acne. Burns.


On the spine, at the level of the heart

Regulates the cardiovascular and circulatory system: heart and blood vessels

Cardiovascular conditions i.e. High blood pressure, elevated cholesterol, angina


On the spine, at the level of the navel

Regulates the digestive system and its accessory organs. Also the kidneys.

For example: diarrhea, indigestion, ulcers, colitis. Also diabetes, gallstones, kidney stones, liver and pancreatic disorders, gallbladder diseases


At the level of the coccyx

Regulates the reproductive system with its essential and accessory organs, as well the urinary bladder

Disorders related to the male and female reproductive system. Menstrual disorders, impotence. Also anemia, hypotension and lack of energy


On the most hidden part of the body, between the anus and the genitals

Base and energy ground system. Also called “Kundalini

Not opened or used

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